Timbaktuu Jobs

Timbaktuu Jobs is a job portal that assists jobseekers to find and apply for vacancies from hundreds of South African companies and small businesses. With a focus on job seekers residing within township, peri-urban and rural communities, we work with various partners to onboard numerous active job seekers onto our jobs platform.



Do you want to reach  a large township, peri-urban and rural based active jobseekers?

Create an online job advertising post

Send your job post to candidates who match your job advert

Receive job applications for job seeker immediately in your online profile

1 job ad post: R499

10 job ad posts: R4 490

20 job ad posts: R7 980

30 job ad posts: R10 470

All prices *incl. VAT


Promotional Printed Posters at various Internet Cafes

Promotional newsletters to Timbaktuu  Jobs’ database

Promotional bulk SMS to Timbaktuu  Jobs’ database

Free Job posts on Timbaktuu Facebook account

All prices *incl. VAT

Looking for more information around the above packages options.

contact us on email  [email protected]